Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Top 10: Baddest Weapons From the Past

For those of us who have been playing video games for the past century or so, we've encountered some great weapons we've been able to use (See this list) and some really not-so-great ones (The yo-yo in Star Tropics for the NES. Really?). And here's a list of weapons I'd like to have if I ever have to put together an arsenal to take on and topple, well, pretty much anything. If you feel differently or that I"ve left something out, your comments are welcome.

10. The Gatling-style gun in Wolfenstein 3D

It shootin' time! Remember when you threw open the door at the beginning of the final stage of Wolf 3D's first episode only to find that guy behind it holding two of these? It was good to know you had one too, and if ya didn't there was one hiding behind a wall. Even though this gun drained ammo like it was going out of style while mowing down enemies by the truckload, without it Wolf 3D may not have been as much fun.

9. Kuribo's Shoe - Super Mario Bros. 3

I remember wondering what the heck this was the first time I stumbled upon it. It was a strange, new enemy, and it left its shoe behind after I stomped it. What a pleasant surprise it was to learn I could take Kuribo's Shoe for a ride, err, hop. The folks at Nike should find out what this thing's made of, too, because even spikes can't mess it up!

8. Simon Belmont's whip - Castlevania

If the vampires attack, you must whip them! If they come back again, you must whip them! OK, I know, that's not what Devo really sang, but if Simon's whip is strong enough to slay Dracula then sign me up for one! By the way, isn't this one of the most visually appealing games ever on the NES?

7. Gilius Thunderhead's golden axe - Golden Axe

You'll notice that on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive version of Golden Axe Gilius Thunderhead's weapon isn't golden - it's silver (or chrome, if you'd prefer). But one thing's for sure: If a little old man came running and jumping at me swinging an ax that big, I'd be running for the hills. His magic is the weakest of the three heroes in the game, but he makes up for it by wielding a big stick.

6. Hammer Bros. - Super Mario Bros. 3

It's always great to give the bad guys a taste of their own medicine. Nintendo gave us all a chance to dish out a little payback in SMB3 by letting Mario or Luigi don the Hammer Bros. suit, which could easily destroy pretty much every enemy in the game. This was great, especially since those hammer-throwing baddies have been making me want to throw the controller through the TV since 1985!

5. Spread gun - Contra

Ask anyone who has played Contra, and they'll be sure to tell you this was by far the best weapon in the game. What other gun allows you to take out several enemies on different levels at one time? And best of all, the Spread went from vertical to horizontal during the two "Base" stages.

4. Ken/Ryu's fireball - Street Fighter II: The World Warrior

I someday hope to have the ability to channel my own "Ha-dou-ken" and launch fireballs at others. I believe my friends would be impressed.

3. Bionic arm - Bionic Commando

Radd Spencer doesn't jump, which make his bionic arm all the more important. But what brings it to super-cool status is that it can do so much more! The arm can grab some items and enemies. It can also deflect bullets! Can anything Batman packs do that?

2. Force - R-Type

Not to be confused with "The Force" of a certain series of George Lucas films, the Force in R-Type is a glowing sphere with three levels of power. The levels of power feature different beams and waves. What makes this weapon rank so high is that it has the ability, when used properly, to gradually destroy some of the game's bosses on its own. You just have to survive long enough for it to do its work. It's also used as an indestructible shield.

1. The Master Sword - Introduced in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

There may be some out there, but you'd be hard pressed to find a weapon as synonymous with a game as "The Blade of Evil's Bane." The scope of the Master Sword's role in its various appearances throughout the Zelda series has been slightly varied, but for the most part is essentially the same - kill Ganon. The ability to destroy evil in general is what made this weapon No. 1. No machine gun or fireball can do that!

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