Monday, October 13, 2008

Mega Man 9: A perfect marriage

Mega Man 9 returns retro gamers to the style they've always loved. (Screenshot from WiiWare World)

It appears video game developers are starting to get it: Many gamers didn't have their first gaming experience via PlayStation, where many times graphics trumped gameplay and fun. That's why Capcom's release Mega Man 9 might seem quite out-of-place for gamers who never picked up an original NES control pad. But for those of us who did, this new release brings back fond memories of the first few Mega Man games released back in the '80s (while also reminding us of the bad cover art in North America). And actually, this game was said to be designed on the mechanics of Mega Man 2. Early side-scrolling Mega Man titles were punishingly difficult but fun, and early info on this one says it's more of the same. So in honor of Capcom bringing a little 1989 into 2008, I'm going to break down Mega Man 9, wedding style!

Something old: It's Mega Man in all its 8-bit glory. That big-headed robo-dude makes a triumphant return with side-scrolling 2D levels. Capcom even intentionally added screen flicker and other imperfections to really drive home that old-school feel.

Something new: A new group of robot masters stands in the way of Mega Man's quest (There's even a female robot master this time around). The game also has some challenges you can earn rewards by completing over the course of the game.

Something borrowed: Mega Man 9 is built along the lines of Mega Man 2, which changed a little bit from the original Mega Man. You can run, jump and shoot, and when you defeat a robot master you earn their weapon, just like always.

Something blue: It's Mega Man - He's supposed to be blue! (At least at the beginning, anyway) Since I really don't have any other "blue" points to make, I'll leave you with this little nugget: In Japan, Mega Man is called "Rockman" and has been featured in TV programs. There are also comics and collectibles that bear his name.

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