Friday, October 24, 2008

Retro Game Review: Pong

Say what you want about how this game looks, but you probably wouldn't have many video games to play at all had this not been created.

Platform: Arcade
Released: 1972
Developer: Atari Inc.

Background: Anyone who spends hours on end playing Wii Sports, Madden or NBA 2K can thank Allan Alcorn. Why, you ask? Because Alcorn developed "Pong" (even though Magnavox had earler developed a similar game and won a lawsuit in regard to it. Atari's "Pong" is more well-known, anyway). Without this barebones (by today's standards) video game, who knows whether or not the gaming industry takes off into the 1980s and becomes the multi-billion-dollar industry it is today? The instructions were simple: "Avoid missing ball for high score." It was so popular, home console versions were also developed.

Graphics: 1/5
Let's not kid ourselves here. All "Pong" consisted of was a group of white lines and dots on a black background.

Sound: 1/5
Nothing more than a couple beeps and blips.

Controls: 5/5
You moved your paddle with those famous round "paddle" controllers that were also popular with the Atari 2600 console. So easy the drunkest guy in the bar could figure it out (and I think that was actually the idea).

Gameplay: 3.5/5
"Pong" was hard: not "Mega Man" hard, but difficult enough. Your timing had to perfect to hit the ball right, and the ball bounced around at some funny angles.

Overall: 2.625/5
You're not going to find yourself spending entire weekends in front of the TV playing "Pong," but I hope you get an appreciation for it if you haven't yet. Sure, it's nothing at all to look at, but it does give a great example of how far video games have come. What were once nothing more than a bunch of lines and dots on the screen has evolved into realistic-looking games that narrow the line between what's real and what's just a game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My aunt had the home version of pong and I think it had a few different versions of the game built in the console box thing I think there was even a hockey game (sorta) you had to hit the "pong" into a small goal. I may be dreaming that last part it was the 70's you know.